A Centenary of Diplomatic Relations Between Lithuania
and Japan: An Overview of the Relations Between the Two Nations
Juozas Skirius
About the author: Dr. Juozas Skirius is a historian, professor of the Faculty of
Humanities at Vytautas Magnus University (VMU), scientific researcher at the
Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania
Lithuania and Japan entered official interstate
relations when Japan recognized the State of Lithuania de jure on December 20, 1922. It is, however, known that Japan, considering
its interests and attitude towards Russia, recognized the State of Lithuania de facto as early as January 3, 1919. It
was the second country after Sweden to recognize the new Lithuanian government
– recognition which inspired confidence and courage for the Lithuanians in
strengthening their statehood. The Lithuanians had access to some information
about Japan before entering into diplomatic relations, just as the Japanese had
some information about Lithuania. On September 6, 1991, Japan fully recognized
the independence of the reinstated Lithuanian State, and both nations have since
been gradually strengthening their cultural, political-economic, and scientific
relations. Japan has favored Lithuania throughout the century.
The year 2022
is important for the history of modern Lithuanian diplomacy and at the same
time for Lithuanian culture, because a hundred years ago, on February 16th, the
new Lithuanian State was recognized de
jure by major western powers – the USA, Great
Britain, France, Italy, and Germany. At that time, independent Lithuania was
also recognized by the Vatican, the head of the Catholic world. The list of
countries to have recognized Lithuanian independence included the Far East
country of Japan. Recognition came not only in the aftermath of Lithuania’s
diplomatic efforts, but also of favorite circumstances internationally. Thus, after
long four years of Lithuania’s diplomatic “fights,” in the second half of 1922,
Lithuania, a small Eastern European country, finally became a full-fledged,
internationally recognized political unit enjoying equal rights in the League
of Nations. Our country, until the tragic year 1940, achieved impressive results
in the fields of economy, culture, and education in an incredibly short time.
The fact of the integration of the Lithuanian nation into the world nations
undoubtedly had an impact on achieving so impressive results as well.
Relations Between
the Two Nations in the Pre-war Period
Remembering the origins of the interstate relations
between Lithuania and Japan, it is widely noted that on December 20, 1922, the
Japanese government, together with the governments of Great Britain, France,
and Italy, officially recognized the Lithuanian State de jure, laying the foundations for Japan and Lithuania to enter
into diplomatic relations. The Japanese government was the first among Asian
countries to recognize Lithuania as an independent country. It should also be
noted that, according to the documents of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
Japan recognized the Lithuanian State de
facto[1] as early as January 3, 1919.
It was the second country after Sweden to grant such, very important,
recognition for the nascent Lithuanian State. However, historians have not yet researched
more into this fact, especially to specify if it was the recognition of the
Lithuanian government or of the Lithuanian State de facto. And at the same time try to explain why the far-off
Japanese government favored the Lithuanian State so strongly.
Based on Japan’s foreign policy of the time and its
attitude towards Russia, which was ravaged by a brutal civil war, Japanese
politicians were more concerned about the Russian State being weak and
fragmented, as it claimed territories in the Far East. Such an approach was
contrary to the USA policy, which advocated for a democratic “indivisible
Russia,” which, according to the Americans, would include all non-Russian
peoples, including the Lithuanians, who were part of Tsarist Russia. Individual documents from the archives
of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania show that the Japanese
government, through its representatives in various European countries and the USA,
on meeting Lithuania’s envoys, inquired about the Lithuanian issue, which
entered the sphere of Japan’s interests in Eastern European countries,
especially Russia’s western border. It was important for Japan that the states
in this region were strong, as possible allies in the future.[2] Although the
Lithuanian-Japanese relations were not characterized by intensity and closeness
at that time, a certain favor of Japan towards the Lithuanians and the State of
Lithuania can be felt. Understandably, this was due to Japan
having no territorial claims in Europe and avoiding any obligations against the
European states that were settling their disputable border issues after the
First World War.
The Lithuanian government, considering Japan’s
favorable attitude, tried to establish closer political-economic relations with Japan and, through Japan, put
some pressure on the major Western powers, accelerating their decision to
recognize the Lithuanian State de jure.
At the end of 1921, the Lithuanian government even appointed its chargé
d’affaires, Tomas Norus-Naruševičius, who resided in London, as the
representative of Lithuanian affairs in Japan,[3] because he knew the
peculiarities of that country and had visited it in 1917. In his letter of
December 6, 1921, with reference to Lithuania’s recognition de jure, Naruševičius appealed to the
Japanese authorities through ambassador Gonsuke Hayashi, but his letter did not
bring the desired result.[4] Despite this, the
representative of Lithuania (and later other representatives as well) tried to
maintain contacts with the Embassy of Japan in London and made efforts to get
the consent of the Japanese to present their credentials to the Emperor of
Japan. Unfortunately, we have no information about the results of such efforts.
Maybe, the Japanese archives will reveal it in the future. Despite a lack of
such information, we do not notice any greater interest of Japanese politicians
in Lithuania at that time.
Japan’s political role in international relations was
prominent. The Japanese ambassador to France, together with the representatives
of Great Britain, France and Italy, had joined an important political
organization – The Conference of Ambassadors, which was set up by a resolution of the Supreme Council of the
Antante and was active from 1919 to 1931 in Paris. The Conference of Ambassadors was an informal alternative for the
League of Nations. The aim of the Conference of Ambassadors was to oversee the
implementation of the Treaty of Versailles (signed on June 28, 1919), to resolve disputable issues, such as, e.g., the Klaipėda
It should also be remembered
that Japan supported Lithuania in its dispute over the Klaipėda Region in 1922–1923 and advocated for the transfer of this Region
to Lithuania. This can clearly be seen in the speech of S. Sasaki, Japan’s
representative in Estonia, delivered on October 18, 1922, in which he advocated
that the Klaipėda Region be transferred to Lithuania (after recognizing it de jure) as soon as possible, because,
as he put it, Lithuania without Klaipėda is “a small child without hands and
legs.”[5] On February 16, 1923, the
Conference of Ambassadors recognized the
Klaipėda Region sovereignty rights for Lithuania. Japan was one the signatories to the Klaipėda Convention, signed
on May 8, 1924 in Paris.[6] It is also interesting to
note that when the representatives of Great Britain, France and Italy in Kaunas
presented the Lithuanian government with an ultimatum note on February 2, 1926,
in which it was accused of organizing the uprising in Klaipėda, Japan did not
join them.[7] Consequently, this can be
seen as Japan’s aim to support Lithuania as though by placing a wedge between
Germany and Russia. Japanese politicians rightly anticipated that Bolshevik
Russia could only strengthen with the help of Germany, the most disadvantaged
country after the war. And so it happened. Regardless of that, with the current
circumstances after the First World War and fortunately for Lithuania, Japan’s
political interests in a way coincided with its support for the Lithuanian
State and its independence. It was a considerable gift for the small new state.
Shortly afterwards, Japan’s Representative Office was
established in Riga to maintain diplomatic relations with Lithuania, Latvia,
and Estonia, which operated there in 1919–1923. It changed its locations though: in 1923–1935 it operated in
Berlin, and in 1935–1940 again in Riga. Whereas the Lithuanian diplomats
residing in London, Paris, Washington, Riga, Berlin, even in Stockholm and
Copenhagen were assigned to represent Lithuania’s interests in Japan, or rather
to maintain contacts.
After Lithuania signed several agreements with Japan,
a possibility arose for it to appoint its own representatives. Lithuania took advantage of that, and
the establishment of the Honorary Consulate of Lithuania was approved in Tokyo
on May 15, 1935, which was later approved by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of
Japan on August 13th of that same year. The position of the Honorary Consul of Lithuania in Japan was held
until 1940 by a businessman, Masadzhi Yasaka, who headed the trade company
Yasaka Shiodzhi Kaysha.[8] This created more
favorable conditions for the development of economic and cultural relations
between Lithuania and Japan. One
more Consulate of Lithuania operated in Harbin (China), through which
Lithuania’s relations with Japan were also maintained.
Chiune Sugihara, Vice Consul of Japan, was the first
Japanese diplomat. He resided in Kaunas in 1939–1940, and is best known to the
general public. Based on his humanistic beliefs, with the help of the
Lithuanian authorities, he saved the lives of Polish Jews who escaped from the
persecution of the German Nazis by issuing them visas to Japan.[9] Visas were also stamped on
international-level documents provided to Jews by the Lithuanian authorities.[10]
Another more interesting fact – at the invitation of
Augustinas Voldemaras, the Prime Minister of Lithuania, Yasaka Sugimura, Deputy
Secretary of the League of Nations visited Lithuania on June 22–26, 1929. He
became more widely familiar with our country, met with President Antanas Smetona
and the Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Prof. Augustinas
Voldemaras. His visit to Lithuania when fervent discussions were taking place
in the League of Nations to settle the Lithuanian-Polish conflict,[11] also illustrated a
certain favorable attitude of Japan towards our country. The Lithuanian press
covered this extraordinary fact quite extensively and even emphasized the human
openness of this Japanese diplomat: “His statement is characterized by undiplomatic
clarity.” While giving his interview, Yasaka Sugimura said that for the
Lithuanian nation and its young state, in order to achieve the appropriate
level of culture, i.e., to be among the highly cultured states of the world, it
would take a lot of work to overcome a lot of obstacles, to take care of
internal order and external peace. At the same time, he emphasized the role of
the League of Nations in regulating conflicts and establishing peace in the
world.[12] He made it clear that
Lithuania had rightly chosen to become a member of the League of Nations. It
seems that this gave the Lithuanians confidence in this organization.
Lithuania and Japan established direct economic
relations only after signing an agreement on the abrogation of entry visas in
1929 and an agreement on trade and shipping in 1930. The latter agreement was
signed at the initiative of Japan, but Japanese goods, due to the geographical
conditions (a large distance) and competition from Western European countries, did
not find a large market in Lithuania. According to the volume of Lithuania’s
trade with foreign countries, Japan’s position was at the end of the first twenty
or within the first thirty countries among Lithuania’s trading partners
throughout the 1930s.[13] In general, it was
symbolic trade, focused rather on the more distant future. Japan began to export its goods to Lithuania as early as 1920,
although in negligible amounts. The amounts of its annual volumes of goods
ranged between a few hundred and a few thousand litas. Japan’s imports were the largest in 1929 – amounting to 377.6 thousand
litas, which only made up 0.12 % of Lithuania’s total imports.[14] Whereas Lithuanian goods,
as shown by official statistics, found their way to Japan as late as 1933, and
only for a tiny amount of 200 litas. From 1935 Lithuanian exports to Japan reached
the following amounts: 18.6 thousand litas in 1935 (the largest amount), 10.1 thousand
litas in 1936, 15.5 thousand litas in 1937, 4.2 thousand litas in 1938, etc.[15] These were very small amounts
indeed. Lithuanian exports to Japan included butter, scrap metal, honey, flax,
and small quantities of other products (cheese, sugar, etc.). Japanese imports
in Lithuania included cellulose, haberdashery, electrical goods, carpets.
Japanese fountain-pens were popular in Lithuania as well. Lithuania’s trade
balance with Japan was always negative. It should be noted that Lithuania had
more profitable and closer markets for its goods in Europe; therefore, it was
not interested in increasing Japanese imports or shipping its goods to Japan in
larger quantities.
The tragic events for Lithuania and the Lithuanian
nation in 1940 – the loss of statehood – led to the liquidation of legations and
consulates of foreign states in Lithuania. One of the last representative
offices to leave Kaunas was the Consulate of Japan, which operated until
September 5, 1940.[16] The political relations
between Lithuania and Japan were broken for a long time.
Knowledge of
Japan in Lithuania Until the Mid-twentieth Century
Information about Japan reached Lithuanian society as
early as a few centuries ago. Romualdas Neimantas, a researcher of the history
of cultural relations between Lithuania and Japan, wrote that the first to
report about Japan was the Jesuit Andrius Rudamina in the 1620s–1630s. The
first to visit Japan was the Lithuanian nobleman Juozapas Goškevičius of
Vilnius Governorate. He was appointed the first consul of Russia in Japan and
worked in this country in 1858–1865.[17] He was also the first specialist
in the Japanese language in Lithuania. He also knew Chinese, Manchurian, Korean
and Mongolian, and published a Russian-Japanese dictionary. He is considered
the pioneer of Japanese studies in Lithuania.[18]
The first articles about Japan in the Lithuanian press
are found in 1891 in the newspaper Žemaičių
ir Lietuvos apžvalga, which was issued in Tilsit. The serialized article Japonijos muczelninkai, published in
fifteen issues, deals with issues of Catholics in Japan in the seventeenth
century. It also provides some information about earthquakes and the First
Sino-Japanese War.[19]
The war between Russia and Japan in 1904–1905 and
Russia’s defeat significantly increased the interest of the Lithuanian
intelligentsia in Japan. The war showed that even small nations could defeat
large empires. The future chairman of the Social Democratic Party, a signatory
to the Act of February 16 and the first chairman of the Supreme Committee for
the Liberation of Lithuania (Lith. VLIK), and also the first Lithuanian, Steponas
Kairys, disguised as Dėdė, in 1906 wrote and published three books in
Lithuanian about Japan, its nature, people and major historical events, such as
the abolition of serfdom and the promulgation of Japan’s Constitution.[20] It was a peculiar tribute
of the Lithuanians to the Japanese. These books about Japan, written in
Lithuanian, are considered the first sowing of Japanese studies in Lithuania.
In August of 1916, two Lithuanian public figures – Martynas
Yčas, a member of the Russian Duma, and Jonas Žilius-Žilinskas, a Lithuanian-American
priest, visited Japan on their way to the USA. They visited Shimonoseki, Kyoto,
Tokyo, and Nikko, and bordered a ship bound to America in the port of Yokohama.
Yčas described his impressions in his book of memoirs which was published in 1935.
He noted that the Japanese had long enjoyed the fruits of European
civilization, “taking for themselves the best and the most perfect of all
things.” Imitating the Europeans and
trying to Europeanize their country, they maintain their traditions, practice
ceremonies such as tea drinking, and preserve the relics of their past.[21]
Japan was described in great detail by our famous
traveler Matas Šalčius. In 1936, he published a series of his impressions Svečiuose pas keturiasdešimt tautų (book
6) of which is dedicated to the Far East and Japan. Šalčius drew attention to
the industriousness of the Japanese, saying that “they are hardworking, diligent
and persevering.” According to him, after the Meiji Revolution in 1868, “Japan
took off like a charm”, because it was able to take many things over from other
Šalčius, it seems, was urging the Lithuanian reader to learn from the Japanese.
The then media of the Republic of Lithuania introduced the public to the
cultural life of Japan, its history, poetry and music, especially Japanese art
and architecture. At that time, as many as 24 translations of Japanese
literature came out, mostly in periodicals. In the field of cultural contacts,
a few Japanese exhibitions were hosted in the M.K. Čiurlionis Gallery in Kaunas.
Several books by foreign travelers about Japan, describing local life as seen
through the eyes of Europeans, were also translated.[23]
Several articles published in Japanese newspapers
broadened Japan’s knowledge of Lithuania. Priest Albinas Margevičius, one of
the first Lithuanians to live in Japan at that time, not only wrote about Japan
for the Lithuanian press, but also promoted Lithuania in the Land of the Rising
Sun. He even organized an exhibition of Lithuanian books and periodicals there.[24] Japan was introduced to
Lithuanian residents at that time not only in the Catholic press, but also in
at least 25 other secular publications: Aidas,
Darbininkas, Diena, Karys, Lietuvos žinios, Moteris, Sekmadienis, etc. Each
of them wrote about this country one or more times.[25]
Bilateral Relations
in the Soviet Period
After the Second World War, the Lithuanian SSR and the
defeated Japan built bilateral relations slowly. The contacts between these
countries were highly restricted. Lithuanian cultural figures – authors and
poets – did not forget Japan and were not indifferent to the Japanese
tradition. S. Geda, K. Korsakas, J. Degutytė, J. Vaičiūnaitė, J. Mikelinskas,
T.A. Rudokas and others touched on Japanese images and interpreted Japanese
themes in their own way. Interest was growing not only in Lithuania in Japan,
but also in Japan in Lithuania. The M.K. Čiurlionis Club based in Japan contributed
a lot in introducing the Japanese to Lithuania. The first Japanese researcher
of Lithuanian studies, Prof. Ikuo Murata, who translated into English The Seasons of K. Donelaitis, The Forest of Anykščiai of A. Baranauskas,
Egle the Queen of Serpents and other
Lithuanian fairy tales, is inextricably linked to this club as well.[26] Thanks to his efforts, a
group of Japanese became interested in Lithuania, its language and
After the war, much was written about Japanese
industry, which in the 1950s–60s experienced something of a boom, and was
called “a Japanese miracle.” The researcher Romualdas Neimontas counted the
articles on Japanese industry and science that were contributed to the
Lithuanian press by Lithuanian scientists: A. Ališauskas (28), G. Bajoras (44),
J. Grigas (176), R. Makuška (389), etc.[27]
The Olympic Games of 1964 in Tokyo should also be
noted, in which 16 athletes from Lithuania participated, representing the USSR
national team. Sports journalists Aleksandras Icikavičius (who signed under the
pseudonym Imantas Aleksaitis) and Mindaugas Barysas who worked there,
contributed detailed series of articles to newspapers.[28] Thus, in the Soviet
period, Japan was no way an unheard country for the Lithuanians.
Lithuania of
March 11th and Japan
Lithuanian-Japanese relations strengthened both
quantitatively and qualitatively after Lithuania reinstated its independence
and Japan again recognized Lithuania as an independent state on September 6, 1991.
Japan was one of the countries to officially recognize Lithuania’s independence
the earliest. The mutual interest that followed after that increasingly strengthened:
visits of both Lithuanians to Japan and of Japanese to Lithuania became more
frequent, various agreements were signed and different events were held. Many
of these visits were top-level, including official visits of the Prime
Ministers and Presidents of both countries and return visits. The culmination
to all such visits was the visit of the Japanese Emperor Akihito and Empress
Michiko in Lithuania on May 26–27, 2007.[29]
On February 11, 1997, the Embassy of Japan was opened
in Lithuania, where chargés d’affaires worked. (It is true that
before the opening of the Embassy, the Japanese Information Center had operated
in Vilnius from 1995.) The first Japanese ambassador to reside in Vilnius was Miyoko
Akashi, who was appointed in 2008 (until then Japanese ambassadors resided in
In 1999, the Lithuanian Embassy was established in Tokyo as well. The first
permanent Lithuanian ambassador in Japan, Algirdas Kudzys worked in that
country in 2002–2006. Currently, six Lithuanian honorary consulates operate in
different cities of Japan.
After Lithuania declared independence and sought
democracy and a free market economy, Japan helped our country develop by
providing material help and through technical cooperation. A total of 13
projects, aimed at promoting and improving cultural and educational activities,
were implemented in Lithuania in the 2000s. For example, support to the
Lithuanian Academy of Music to supplement the variety of its musical
instruments, to Vilnius University and Vytautas Magnus University – to renew
the Japanese language teaching equipment, etc.[31]
The relations between Japan and Lithuania are
currently most noticeable in cultural events and exhibitions, which
particularly attract the attention of Lithuanians. Japan’s exoticism and its
old, rich, and unique traditional culture excite Lithuanian people. Sushi that
they have come to like so much is also proof of the spread of Japanese culture
in Lithuania. Many Lithuanians have been fond of traditional Japanese martial
arts such as judo, karate, aikido, and kendo. Many Japanese martial arts
schools have been established in Lithuania, in which people develop their
mastery and constantly strengthen their mind.
It is good to note the strengthening of bilateral
partnership in the field of economy. Exports of laser devices manufactured in
Lithuania to Japan increase rapidly. Lithuanian technologies are used in Japan
both in the academic and industrial sectors.[32] Domestic appliances,
plastic and rubber products, chemicals and other goods are imported from Japan.
Although the trade volumes are not large – Japan’s place is within Lithuania’s
first forty trade partners by size – Japan is important from a political and
cultural point of view.
The number of tourists from Japan
in Lithuania in the period 2008–2018 increased almost fourfold, to exceed 28 thousand. The
number of Lithuanian tourists in Japan is lower – according to calculations, 4,303 tourists visited Japan in 2016. From 2020, incoming tourism was significantly
affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, decreasing by dozens of times.[33] Tourism is a
great way to disseminate information about another country and its inhabitants,
and to get closer. Furthermore, there is a guaranteed income from the money
left by tourists.
Japanese studies
researchers in the Center of Oriental Studies at Vilnius University, Klaipėda
University and Vytautas Magnus University in Kaunas also significantly
contribute to the promotion of Japan in Lithuania. In the past three decades,
Japanese studies in Lithuania have been developed in various directions,
starting with classical studies of Japanese culture, history, art, and
philosophy, and ending with studies of its contemporary politics and economy. The works of Romualdas Neimontas, Dalia Švambarytė and others are exceptional
in this respect.[34] It should also be noted
that the most productive writer in the 1990s about Japan, its life and culture
was the expert in the Japanese language, translator, associate professor at
Vytautas Magnus University, Aurelijus Zykas, who in 2022 was appointed the Lithuanian
ambassador to Japan. He became Lithuania’s
fifth ambassador to Japan. It is to be hoped that interstate and other
relations between Lithuania and Japan will keep strengthening.
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[1] Information of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
of Lithuania from 1922. Office of the Chief Archivist of Lithuania (Lietuvos centrinis valstybės archyvas;
henceforth – LCVA). F. 383, ap. 7, b.
295, l. 40; Čepėnas, Naujųjų laikų Lietuvos istorija, 717; Lietuvos užsienio reikalų, 414.
[2] Report of Vytautas Gylys,
representative of Lithuania in Finland, to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of
Lithuania of 19 06 1919. LCVA. F. 383, ap. 7, b. 100, l. 37 (and other documents).
[3] Transcript of the 03 12 1921 letter of T.
Naruševičius, Envoy of Lithuania in London, to the Japanese Ambassador in London
(in English). LCVA, f. 648, ap. 1, b. 332, l. 13.
[4] “Nuo diplomatinio pripažinimo.” Online.
[5] Žiugžda, Po
diplomatijos skraiste, 118.
[6] Žostautaitė, Klaipėdos kraštas, 31–36.
[7] Ibid.,
[8] “Nuo diplomatinio
pripažinimo.” Online.
[9] Jazavita, “Apie Kauną.“
Online; Strelcovas, Geri, blogi, 245–253.
[10] Procuta, “Antano Gurevičiaus sąrašų įvadas,” 23–25.
[11] Vilkelis, Lietuvos
ir Lenkijos santykiai, 162–171.
[12] “Prie Sugimuros apsilankymo,” 1.
[13] Lietuvos statistikos metraštis 1938, 252; Lietuvos
užsienio prekyba
1938, XII-XIII.
[14] Lietuvos
užsienio prekyba 1933, XV.
[15] Lietuvos
užsienio prekyba 1938, XII-XIII.
[16] Skirius, “Lietuvos Užsienio reikalų,” 410.
[17] Neimantas, Nuo
Nemuno iki Fudzijamos, 5–6, 9.
[18] “Japonijos ir Lietuvos santykiai.” Online.
[19] Kumpis, “Istoriniai, kultūriniai,” 4.
[20] Railienė, “Pirmosios žinios,” 93–102.
[21] Yčas,
Atsiminimai, 216–220.
[22] Šalčius, Svečiuose
pas 40 tautų, 234, 238.
[23] Vaščėga, “Lietuvos ir Japonijos ekonominiai,” 189.
[24] Ibid.
[25] Kumpis, “Istoriniai, kultūriniai,” 5.
[26] Neimantas, Nuo
Nemuno iki Fudzijamos, 77–78.
[27] Ibid.,
[28] “Lietuvos ir Japonijos santykiai sovietmečiu.”
[29] “Diplomatiniai santykiai nuo 1991 m.” Online.
[30] Ibid.
[31] “Diplomatinių ryšių tarp Japonijos ir Lietuvos
20-metis.” Online.
[32] Ibid.
[33] “Japonijos ir Lietuvos santykiai.” Online.
[34] Didvalis, “Japonistika ir lituanistika,” 7.